Ford 3600 Fuel Lines Connection Diagram


New User
On a 1981 Ford 3600 Diesel Non-Cab, I am replacing leaking fuel lines with new ones. I removed the existing fuel lines from injectors and the CAV inline pump without taking any pictures or notes. I had to bend the lines in order to remove them and now I can't remember which line, from which injector goes to what injection port on the pump. Can anyone help me with it? A drawing/diagram would be great. Thanks in advance.

This post was edited by Randhawa on 10/02/2023 at 01:13 pm.

You do not have nor should you bend the lines, I've worked on several 3 cylinder fords and have never had to bend the injection lines
3600 does not have a CAV inline pump, it should have a CAV rotary pump, some 3000 models had SIMMS inline pumps
Post a photo of the pump

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