Ford 4000 Jerky Hydraulics


New User
Hello. I am new here so please bear with me! I recently purchased a ford 4000 (1962ish) with the 4 cyl diesel. Has backhoe and loader. Once I got it running and and began to use/test the hydraulic system I observe the following:

Engine at low rpm’s—hydraulic operate smoothly.

Engine at higher (not greatly above idle)—hydraulics become jerky like the pump is starving for oil and “surging”.

However, i have put oil in it—almost 4 gallons probably. I dont know oil capacity or where to properly check level. I dont know that it’s an oil level issue. Thanks in advance for any help and sharing your knowledge!
Hello. I am new here so please bear with me! I recently purchased a ford 4000 (1962ish) with the 4 cyl diesel. Has backhoe and loader. Once I got it running and and began to use/test the hydraulic system I observe the following:

Engine at low rpm’s—hydraulic operate smoothly.

Engine at higher (not greatly above idle)—hydraulics become jerky like the pump is starving for oil and “surging”.

However, i have put oil in it—almost 4 gallons probably. I dont know oil capacity or where to properly check level. I dont know that it’s an oil level issue. Thanks in advance for any help and sharing your knowledge!
Without seeing your tractor, I’m going to assume that the hydraulic system that you’re referring to is a separate circuit, driven by a front engine mounted pump.

Most BHLs of that era have this type of system to run the loader and backhoe.

Can you confirm that? If it is a separate circuit then we’ll need to find the hydraulic tank that serves the system and ensure that fluid can freely get from the tank to the pump.

Can you get any photos of the tractor and system?
Without seeing your tractor, I’m going to assume that the hydraulic system that you’re referring to is a separate circuit, driven by a front engine mounted pump.

Most BHLs of that era have this type of system to run the loader and backhoe.

Can you confirm that? If it is a separate circuit then we’ll need to find the hydraulic tank that serves the system and ensure that fluid can freely get from the tank to the pump.

Can you get any photos of the tractor and system?
Thank you for the reply. Your assumption is correct. Yes, the hydraulic system is driven off of a pump on the front of the engine. The tank is built into the frame of the loader. I will need to get to where it is to get you some pictures but will possible be able to do so later today. There is a large—maybe one inch or so—hose feeding the suction side of the pump. I’ll try to get pics posted.

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