Ford 4000 problem with the lift

Hello guys.

I have a Ford 4000 from 1974. I have a problem with my lift. It can lift something heavy, but it can't stay up so it slowly sinks down.
I have a box and it can lift it up but then it sinks a little and comes back up to the set height.
When I have a heavier implement on it, it sinks slowly but cannot be raised again to the set height, but all the way up is no problem.
I have changed the seals in the piston and I have changed the 2 Relief Valve 1 on the bottom of the pump and on on the Hydraulic Lift Cylinderc housing.
All seals in the control valve in front of the seat have also been replaced.
The handle for position control is also where it should be, it is not in draftcontrol.
I dont know what to do now ? Pleas help me ford guys
Hello guys.

I have a Ford 4000 from 1974. I have a problem with my lift. It can lift something heavy, but it can't stay up so it slowly sinks down.
I have a box and it can lift it up but then it sinks a little and comes back up to the set height.
When I have a heavier implement on it, it sinks slowly but cannot be raised again to the set height, but all the way up is no problem.
I have changed the seals in the piston and I have changed the 2 Relief Valve 1 on the bottom of the pump and on on the Hydraulic Lift Cylinderc housing.
All seals in the control valve in front of the seat have also been replaced.
The handle for position control is also where it should be, it is not in draftcontrol.
I dont know what to do now ? Pleas help me ford guys
Symptoms indicate a leaking 3pt control valve or piston. Remote control valve under the seat plays no role in 3pt operation.

Symptoms indicate a leaking 3pt control valve or piston. Remote control valve under the seat plays no role in 3pt operation.

Thanks for your help.
is this the control valve you are talking about? the one I have has a white dot on it.
Thanks for your help.
is this the control valve you are talking about? the one I have has a white dot on it.
Could be. Thats a spool for some valve. Is it for the 3pt valve in the hydraulic top cover? I also think there is more than one spool in the valve....
I have never had to replace a spool valve or the piston check valve on a 4000 lift
Did you replace the o-ring on the unloader valve
Did you check and adjust the draft and position control linkages
Have you done a pressure check
I have never had to replace a spool valve or the piston check valve on a 4000 lift
Did you replace the o-ring on the unloader valve
Did you check and adjust the draft and position control linkages
Have you done a pressure check
I agree and for the record I did not suggest he replace any spool.or take anything apart.

But he is getting classic leakdown behavior and there are only a few places for the oil to go.
  1. Past the piston
  2. Out the safety valve
  3. Backwards past the spool in the 3pt control valve.
I dont know much about this model but I dont think the unloader seals the lift circuit when in neutral. And if it does it would not be with the oring. Am I mistaken?

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