Ford 555 Steering Cylinder with 3/4” rod

I have a 1978 ford 555 industrial tractor and need to rebuild the steering cylinders. It looks like I have some aftermarket cylinder with 3/4” rods instead of the .680” rod or the later years .787” diameter or 22mm.

My cylinder # is C5NN3A739 F and I can’t locate a rebuild kit with 3/4” diameter. It looks like a ford type cylinder as it has the 3 small bolts holding the end cap on and the two ports at the mounting end just like the proper ford one.
Wondered if anyone has come across this before?
Thanks Shaun, for some reason mine has odd ball steering cylinders with a 3/4” rod and I can’t find seal kits for them. The cylinders even have a ford # stamped in them but doesn’t show up anywhere:
C2450 2 1900 1368 and C5NN3A739 F
The same # with a G at the end shows a 5/8” diameter rod , but nowhere can I find an F with a 3/4” rods.
The number on the cylinder is probably a engineering number and not an actual part number
It’s possible at some point the cylinder’s were changed out for ones from a different model
C5NN is a 1965 engineering date code so it’s hard to say what tractor or other piece of equipment the cylinders were originally built for
I’d find a shop that repairs hydraulic cylinders and get them to match up the seals you need
I have an old 455 backhoe with 0.787 rods on my steering cylinders also. 20mm = 0.787402" I have to refill the steering pump every day, sometime 2-3 times, depends if I am digging or pushing dirt around.

I got mine from the original owner who bought it new, am sure they are the original cylinders.

I just wrote to YT product support asking if they can supply kits or seals for those cylinders. I will let you know if I hear back from them.

I have a hydraulic repair shop close by, but I think the seals can be replaced with the cylinders on the tractor. Just remove the rod from the ball joint, and unscrew the cap from the cylinder. Should not have to remove the whole cylinder. HOPING anyway!!!!

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