Ford 641 4 speed, Is the transmission locked up?


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Trans in neutral, release clutch, engine stalls. Is the trans locked?? Not a pretty site….

Transmission top off, found very very little oil in the trans, no history on how long it’s been that way.

Trans appears to be in neutral 1st/3rd coupling, 2nd/4th coupling, and reverse idler appear centered and not engaged.

Due to the total lack of lubrication, could a gear or shaft friction welded itself and lock up the trans?
With the clutch pushed in works fine, it will roll and not coupled to the engine, and no issue starting the engine. With the clutch engaged (out), trans in neutral, rocking the tractor back and forth, you see the fan move back and forth. With the top off of the trans, the two couplings and reverse are disengaged by visual inspection, plenty of space between coupling and dogs. If starting the engine is attempted in neutral, it stops cranking immediately. Thanks for the quick reply Steve.....
Is it possible that it’s in two gears at the same time? I’m thinking that the shift lever is not correctly indexed. If it was, when it’s in neutral, the fan shouldn’t move at all (when tractor is rocked). I’ve seen that kind of thing on a Deere, but never a Ford… But it sure seems like you have an issue with your shifting.
The gear that makes 2nd gear is galled on counter shaft. It is supposed to turn on counter shaft. In I&T manual FO20 fig FO148 key #31 is the problem.
oil full level is only around two inches. You check at the level plug on the right side almost hidden by the foot board.
PTO was tried in both positions.
Current oil level is less than 1/8 of an inch on the bottom. Not a good thing. Thinking that something has seized.
Rocking the tractor, looking at counter shaft (bottom shaft) both gears on both sides of the coupling (in neutral and coupling not engaged) turned with the rocking, and turned at different rates
Shaun Wallace, is there an visual clues of the galling. Should that gear turn freely on the counter shaft while in neutral?

Many Thanks to all that have replied, very much appreciated!

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