FORD 6600 Tachometer connection ON engine.

(quoted from post at 15:38:04 09/06/23)
(quoted from post at 16:44:05 09/06/23)
Thats pretty cool. I was wondering what the RPM's would change to for PTO540 considering the different engine (maybe not much). I'm gonna check that gadget out.

The engine rpms will be the same. It is the gearing of the PTO drive chain through the transmission and out the rear of the tractor that dictates what the engine rpms need to be at to achieve 540 rpm PTO speed. Doesn't matter what engine you put in front of the transmission, the engine rpms will need to be the same.

Good to know that it would still be 1900rpm. I will probably still need to eventually get a contact tachometer so when I DO get a working tach (hopefully) I will be able to know what the RPM gauge SHOULD read at 540 pto. We just got this Ford 2-3 weeks ago, so I don't know what this engine "should" sound like at pto speed like an operator that has owned the tractor a while would.

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