Ford 7600 PTO and 3 point hitch not working


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I recently purchased a non running 7600. After correcting the issues I was able to get it running and serviced the engine and hydraulic system but I noticed the 3 point hitch isn't lifting and the pto isn't working. The dual power is functioning and the remote valve seems to be working as well. The pto lever seems to move pretty loosely but does click into both the on and off position. I can turn the pto with the tractor not running although it was tight at first. The tractor set up for close to 4 years before I purchased it and the hydraulic oil had a milky color to it when I changed it, although I believe it could have been condensation in the housing.
When you say ''the remote valve seems to be working'', how do you know? Did you actually connect a heavy implement to it and raise it up and down? If not, could you hear the engine grunt when you pulled the handle back?

I'm asking you these questions in an attempt to get an idea as to whether or not the hydraulic pump is actually turning under a load or not. Usually when you lose the PTO and hydraulics at the same time, it's because your live-drive PTO shaft in the middle of the transmission is stripped out. However, if the remote hydraulics will lift a load, and/or lug the engine down, then that's not your problem.

If the remote hydraulics are indeed working normally, then I'd say that the unload valve in your 3-point is stuck in the dump position, and that your PTO clutch is in need of some major attention internally. Figure on splitting the tractor behind the transmission if you get to that point.
I did not connect a implement to the remote valves but it does put some strain on the engine when working the lever back and forth. I've read that I can check the flow through the remote valves as well as the pressure but I do not currently have a guage to test it with. Would that help me diagnose the problem?
(quoted from post at 06:48:42 12/27/23) I did not connect a implement to the remote valves but it does put some strain on the engine when working the lever back and forth. I've read that I can check the flow through the remote valves as well as the pressure but I do not currently have a guage to test it with. Would that help me diagnose the problem?

The first step to trouble shooting hydraulics is to check pressure. It is neither difficult nor expensive.
I will look into finding a set of gauges.
Any suggestions on a good set? I see I can
get sets from Harbor Freight but if there
are good quality ones that would be better
I'll certainly entertain it for now and
future uses.
If you can hear the engine strain when you pull the remote handle back with nothing in the couplers, then that tells me that your PTO live drive shaft is OK, and that your hydraulic pump is good enough to raise the lift arms by themselves.

If the 3-point does not move at all, even with nothing attached to the lift arms, you most likely have an unload valve in the lift cylinder stuck in the dump position. This will require removing the 3-point lift cover to access said valve.

And once again, repairing the PTO clutch will require splitting the tractor. I would recommend some testing of the low pressure side of the PTO/Dual Power circuits before diving in for a repair to make sure that the Dual Power did not cause the PTO to fail in the first place. Testing procedures and specs are found in the repair manual.
I would agree that the unload valve is probably stuck. I'd also suggest pressure testing the low pressure circuit for the pto.. However if the dual power works that suggests there ought to be enough pressure there to run the pto. I would wonder if there isn't some problem with the pto lever if it seems to have no resistance or some other problem with the pto valve.


I recently purchased a non running 7600. After correcting the issues I was able to get it running and serviced the engine and hydraulic system but I noticed the 3 point hitch isn't lifting and the pto isn't working. The dual power is functioning and the remote valve seems to be working as well. The pto lever seems to move pretty loosely but does click into both the on and off position. I can turn the pto with the tractor not running although it was tight at first. The tractor set up for close to 4 years before I purchased it and the hydraulic oil had a milky color to it when I changed it, although I believe it could have been condensation in the housing.
I recently purchased a non running 7600. After correcting the issues I was able to get it running and serviced the engine and hydraulic system but I noticed the 3 point hitch isn't lifting and the pto isn't working. The dual power is functioning and the remote valve seems to be working as well. The pto lever seems to move pretty loosely but does click into both the on and off position. I can turn the pto with the tractor not running although it was tight at first. The tractor set up for close to 4 years before I purchased it and the hydraulic oil had a milky color to it when I changed it, although I believe it could have been condensation in the housing.
Just following up on this. I sent the tractor to a local shop to have the work done. I don't have the time or tools to split a tractor. The valve under the seat was stuck. They worked on it, but it must still have some leak by as it's jumpy and has the hiccups (it's back in the shop because the transmission clutch crapped the bed, they're supposed to recheck the valve). The PTO was not functioning as the PTO clutch was in very rough shape. New PTO clutch seems to have that issue resolved.

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