Hello all,
I have a new-to-me 1986 Ford 7710 4wd tractor and want to service the fluids. I am sure the Fords are similar to other tractors as far as dropping the hydraulic oil but I wanted to check in with the experts here. I purchased the repair manual for the tractor and it does not go over the maintenance items. I will get an owner's manual for that stuff. The book states that the trans/hydraulic/pto holds 14 gallons of oil. Are there several drain plug locations that dump part of the 14 gallons at a time or is there one main plug? Looks like a filter on the left side of the tractor near the back of the engine and one on the right side of the transmission. From reading other posts, there is also a inlet screen filter near this filter? Thanks all!
I have a new-to-me 1986 Ford 7710 4wd tractor and want to service the fluids. I am sure the Fords are similar to other tractors as far as dropping the hydraulic oil but I wanted to check in with the experts here. I purchased the repair manual for the tractor and it does not go over the maintenance items. I will get an owner's manual for that stuff. The book states that the trans/hydraulic/pto holds 14 gallons of oil. Are there several drain plug locations that dump part of the 14 gallons at a time or is there one main plug? Looks like a filter on the left side of the tractor near the back of the engine and one on the right side of the transmission. From reading other posts, there is also a inlet screen filter near this filter? Thanks all!