Ford 851 input shaft seal


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Hi all,
I’d appreciate any help you all can provide. I have a Ford 861 with a dual clutch (5 speed, of course). I have the engine out and fixing the cross shaft and throw out bearing, but I’m thinking I should replace the input shaft seal. I see where I can remove the housing, and I think the input shaft seal is behind all that.

The shaft seems a little loose and I don’t want to pull out the input shaft and hear some parts falling into the transmission. Does that shaft just pull out once the housing is loose. I don’t want to have to pull the transmission loose also. Just wondering if someone can tell me how to replace the seal, while I’m in there….
You remove the bolts and pull the cover off and service the seals. Nothing will fall down inside just doing that. A manual such as the I&T will show the step by step procedure for servicing the seals. Also some loose movement in the pilot shaft is fairly normal.
Thanks for your help. Yup- this worked out well. Relaced to two seals from the CR seals sold at Napa. Worked great. Lubed the needle bearings and the internal bushing and shed all back together. Thanks for your help!

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