Ford 8N Transmission or Clutch?

When i grab them I don't do so in such a way as yo harm my self. A gentle grab and if they slow down them the clutch is the problem. Yous do so gently and never tight. You can also do so with something like a 2X4 board and lever it down onto the PTO shaft

We had an 8n when I was growing up and it quit moving and the problem was the rivets on the ring gear sheared off. The PTO still worked, and of course the 3pt lift worked. This happened twice. They were later replaced with hardened bolts, and no more problem. Mark.

We had that happen to an 8N my Dad had when we were growing up. When I read the original post, that thought occurred to me right away.
I forget many people have no common sense any more and how I was taught to do things was from people who have long sence been put 6 foot under so I guess you lack common sense aslo

Says the guy who takes hold of a running PTO shaft.

Common sense does not make an appearance in that scenario.
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I've done it a number of times and that is why I say carefully and I have yet to have been hurt doing so but I also don't grab it fast or real hard
Ive used my shoe bottom, or a 2x4 to test spinning ptos... Probably not the smartest thing Ive done.
The comments are very helpful. Look for some qualified follow up as I get back to the Ford for some further inspections.
Serial number appears to show 8n 479115 which is in the 1952 series. Some pics attached. Sure seems like the clutch area is the issue after further diagnosis today. Will post the actual fix when completed. Thanks!


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With the PTO engaged, depress the clutch, shift the transmission into gear, release the clutch and note if the PTO shaft is then stopped.

NO need to endanger life and limb by (of all things) grabbing a PTO shaft!
When i grab them I don't do so in such a way as yo harm my self. A gentle grab and if they slow down them the clutch is the problem. Yous do so gently and never tight. You can also do so with something like a 2X4 board and lever it down onto the PTO shaft
If you want to try to stop your PTO shaft with your hand, that is your hand and your choice, one most people with common sense do not want to hear. Why in the world would you ever, in any way shape or manner, suggest to a stranger that they should try such? That shows you have a total disregard for other people and safety. How you touch, grip the shaft has nothing to do with having common sense. To do suggest one can do such properly, shows a lack of common sense on your part as I see it, because there is no proper way to touch a running PTO shaft with one's hand, gloved or not. What happens if there is a burr on the shaft? That advice is wrong any way you look at it. Stop trying to justify it. You should go back and edit your posts and delete any references you made suggesting he grab a running PTO shaft, or your stupidity will remain on the world wide web for all to see for eternity; and hopefully no one that reads it will try to follow it.
If you want to try to stop your PTO shaft with your hand, that is your hand and your choice, one most people with common sense do not want to hear. Why in the world would you ever, in any way shape or manner, suggest to a stranger that they should try such? That shows you have a total disregard for other people and safety. How you touch, grip the shaft has nothing to do with having common sense. To do suggest one can do such properly, shows a lack of common sense on your part as I see it, because there is no proper way to touch a running PTO shaft with one's hand, gloved or not. What happens if there is a burr on the shaft? That advice is wrong any way you look at it. Stop trying to justify it. You should go back and edit your posts and delete any references you made suggesting he grab a running PTO shaft, or your stupidity will remain on the world wide web for all to see for eternity; and hopefully no one that reads it will try to follow it.
I've done it many times and still have all my fingers etc. But yes I do so very carefully and I only try to slow it down not stop it so I use a tender touch doing so

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