Ford 8n tries to move while in neutral after previously being stuck in 2 gears.


Been lurking for awhile on the forum but finally have something I can't find using search.

I got my 8N stuck in two gears while brush hogging without an over run clutch (I know I know, I have one now though).

I was able to use info from this forum to get the gears unstuck and back in neutral. However, now it will start using neutral safety switch but tries to move when you let out of the clutch.

I can drive it around (with a lot of effort) and it makes a squealing sound when in reverse.

My shift lever needs repairs as it's very worn with pieces broke off but I'm still able to shift through all gears. I will order a new one but don't think that's the issue but could help not get stuck in multiple gears again.

However I must still be in gear. It seems like it's partially stuck in 4th. Also 4th seems to be the only gear it won't drive in.

Maybe I missed a step when getting it back in neutral? Is there something else that could be stuck that I need to pry loose? I lined up the plates and rail and took a picture if needed.

I appreciate the help.
I meant it stalls when letting out of the clutch in 4th gear. It is trying to move forward still.
I meant it stalls when letting out of the clutch in 4th gear. It is trying to move forward still.
Have you verified that the transmission/rear end/hydraulic oil is "full"?

At this point you have symptoms of a transmission that's been run low on oil.

Could be a number of other things, but it won't hurt to check the oil.
Yes I drained and filled the oil while working on the transmission.

I only recently bought this tractor. The tranny fluid was super milky and was also low. Probably about half empty. I'm slowing getting stuff fixed on it. This is my first tractor.

I didn't have the neutral moving issue prior to getting the tranny bound up.

Also side note. The gearset for 2nd is missing 1 and a half teeth. This wasn't a surprise as 2nd gear did previously have a "pop" sound when moving.

It kinda looks like some has also previously got it stuck in two gears but was too rough when getting it unstuck.

The gear shift lever is missing the round balls that go under the gates and the square this is above the gate is missing 1.5 of its sides. So you can actually twist it just right and pull it up out of the cover/tranny. Although as I said it did work fine before. Would those missing balls help? It's almost like it's not fully coming out of 2nd or 4th gear. And I don't feel when it comes out of reverse either like I can the other gears.

Hopefully I won't have the rebuild the tranny, I'm not ready for a project of that size yet lol.
Does anyone else have any ideas?

I ordered a replacement shift lever, boot, starter switch, and tranny cover. I don't know if this will remedy the issue, but they need replacing anyway. Hopefully, those will show up in time to get installed this weekend. (fingers crossed).

I'm hoping that the new shift lever will be able to grab the gears better and fully engage/disengage the tranny and "fix itself". Maybe I will get lucky. :cool:

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