Ford F6 two ton 1950

Tom in Mo.

Well-known Member
This guy sold at an estate auction last weekend for$3500. Ran pretty good but the brakes were out. Flathead v8 with a single barrel carb that was only a little bigger than a thimble. Tiny little carb for that engine!

I am curious about 1 barrel carburetor on that year V8 truck.
Ford USA used 1 barrel in 1932 and 1933 then went to 2 barrel on V8s AFAIK. Starting in 49 Mercury used a carb tat was a bit different from Fords. Air fed from the side,
(quoted from post at 05:45:54 10/21/23) I am curious about 1 barrel carburetor on that year V8 truck.
Ford USA used 1 barrel in 1932 and 1933 then went to 2 barrel on V8s AFAIK. Starting in 49 Mercury used a carb tat was a bit different from Fords. Air fed from the side,

I didn't take a picture of it in that truck and it had the oil bath air cleaner on it. Maybe it was a two barrel but it looked alot like this one:


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