Ford golden jubilee


New User
Hello all, I'm going to rebuild the engine in my 53 jubilee and would greatly appreciate a y suggestions on the best rebuild kit to purchase
Thanks in advance for any help with this
if you are going to rebuild the engine kit item 183926 from this site is the ticket plus what ever other components you require are mostly here as well
Don't purchase anything until you know what you need. The automotive machine shop that you take the block, crank, rods, and cam to for evaluation will tell you what you need. If you want they will order up the parts for you so that you are assured that everything fits together. They will also most likely save you$$
Thanks to all for the advice. I'm 80 years old and restoring this tractor for my great granddaughter but I have a terminal medical condition so my time is limited to complete this project. Thanks again for the help...

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