Ford Jubilee 3 point only works in draft


New User
The 3 point on my jubilee only works in draft position with the selector pulled down with a zip tie or wire. The 3 point will barely lift without the lever being pulled down and won't lift at all in position control with the lever up. Is this most likely just worn or something possibly broke?
Probably a severely worn cam follower pin along with the internal linkages for the control handle being vastly out of adjustment. Get yourself a service manual if you don't have one and order a top cover repair kit from this site, which contains all of the gaskets and o-rings that you'll be replacing when you reassemble everything, and then follow the service manual to pull the top cover and do a full R&R on the top cover, and replace the cam follower pin and then perform the linkage adjustments as per the manual and put it back together.
Probably a severely worn cam follower pin along with the internal linkages for the control handle being vastly out of adjustment. Get yourself a service manual if you don't have one and order a top cover repair kit from this site, which contains all of the gaskets and o-rings that you'll be replacing when you reassemble everything, and then follow the service manual to pull the top cover and do a full R&R on the top cover, and replace the cam follower pin and then perform the linkage adjustments as per the manual and put it back together.
How long does it usually take to replace and adjust?
How long does it usually take to replace and adjust?
Depends on your experience and skill level. Some folks can do it in a couple of hours. For others, especially if it's your first time, it could be an all day job. It's best to have an overhead hoist or engine stand, or something like that to assist in lifting it off and putting it back in place, as it is a bit heavy, or else get a helper to assist with lifting it off and putting it back on. Some folks can lift the top cover off and put it back on by themselves, but not me.

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