Ford Jubilee locked up after hitting rock with brush hog

FERNHILLFARM, will you at least answer this question? Do you have a stump jumper on your mower?
Caryc, per the new forum software the OP has not been back to look at his post since 6:39pm last evening. Assuming you use a computer hover over his user name at the left and it shows you “last seen” This feature can be both useful and frustrating.
FERNHILL: a “stump jumper” by a loose explanation is a large steel dish about a 1/4 to a 1/3 the width of your mower. It is mounted by its center on the shaft out of the bottom of the gear box. It is supposed to help the mower navigate over stumps or large rocks with less hindrance.
Thanks used red MN,
This is the stump jumper I put on my Woods M5 mower. It mounts on the blade bar. The big shafts as you see in the drawing go through the blades and up through the holes in the stump jumper so the blades are still free spinning.

Supposedly if the blades hit a rock they will swing back and the up turned lip on the jumper will then jump up over the object so there is no damage to your mowers gear box or PTO shaft.


This an excellent time to remind everyone to loosen their slip clutches, and SLIP them before first use of the season. Those clutch discs have a nasty habit of not slipping when needed BECAUSE they RUSTED together, from sitting in the rain or just condensation over winter months. Loosening and slipping them wears the rust off the faces of the discs. Also, if it has a shear pin, make sure it is a soft grade bolt or pin.
As far as getting the tractor freed up, many excellent suggestions. Mark.
When I purchased my 8N, it had the woods M5 mower on it. But it did not have that black cover on it that covered the slip clutch and "U" joint from the weather. I managed to find the correct cover to fit that mower. I rebuilt the slip clutch which was frozen. I cleaned up all the metal faces and got new friction discs for it.


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IF you have to go into guts of tractor for repair and IF the design of your drive train is the same as a 1958 841 4 speed transmission I am familiar with, the collar that slides on shaft to engage pto will fit on shaft in either direction BUT engagement won't happen if collar is reversed and you won't discover until buttoned up and tested. I have first hand irrefutable experience on said situation so be AWARE how things come apart/go together. Good luck.
IF you have to go into guts of tractor for repair and IF the design of your drive train is the same as a 1958 841 4 speed transmission I am familiar with, the collar that slides on shaft to engage pto will fit on shaft in either direction BUT engagement won't happen if collar is reversed and you won't discover until buttoned up and tested. I have first hand irrefutable experience on said situation so be AWARE how things come apart/go together. Good luck.
That reminds me of the same thing that happened to me about 40 years ago. Not on a tractor, but a jeep transmission. I put the slider gear in backwards, in the transmission, and had only low and first gear. Lesson learned. Stan

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