Front wartime spoke cutoff wheel trouble


So today I was putting the front wheel together on my A. I went to install the felts and felt retainer but on my wartime cutoff the retainer doesn't seat all the way into the hub due to the bearing race sitting out too far. Did the steel wartime hubs use different retainers that aren't listed in parts manual? Or is it possible my hub is broke and missing some material... I'll post a picture. I only have one of these wheels so I can't compare it. The other wheel I have is an unstyled spoke wheel and the retainer and everything fits perfect


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You do know the felts go in the retainer, not in 1st. i'll take a picture of mine.
Yes the felts are inside of the retainer in the picture. The retainer will not go in far enough because of the bearing race is father out on this style wheel
You do know the felts go in the retainer, not in 1st. i'll take a picture of mine.
I'm wondering if the back of my hub is broke off? I can't even find a picture of another wartime style wheel like that online to compare. So I'm not sure what they are supposed to look like

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