Fuel Sediment Bowl with Female Threads Needed


Well-known Member
Hey guys. Posting this in the general talk forum because I'm not sure what this part would be found on. I'm needing a "large" fuel sediment bowl assembly for my 1981 German John Deere 455 crawler loader and I have a copy of the parts book and its not shown, so that tells me it isn't original and was added later. It looks like a generic fuel sediment bowl like you'd use on an older Farmall A or B tractor (with the large bowl), EXCEPT the inlet of the bowl has female threads and not male like all of them I've seen. Where would I find something like this? I would like to replace the whole assembly as the machine has been sitting for years and we have rebuilt the engine to get it running again. At the least, I might could get by with just a new glass bowl and I would assume that the large bowl as found on Farmalls would fit.


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Since many fuel separators were designed to thread directly into the bottom fitting of a fuel tank, male threads are going to be pretty common. It might be possible to use a shorter height unit, such as for a Ford 2N, and attach a coupling to the male inlet nipple. Another option would be to just replace the glass bowl, gasket, and bail.

If you have the dimensions of the bowl, many sites list replacements by diameter and length.

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