G-VI Oil Filter Part Number Please


I am looking for new oil filters for a newly purchased MM G-VI. It has two very old Hastings filters with a number of P140. I can not find Hastings anywhere so I am trying to cross reference to something I can pick up here from NAPA or Parts-Plus. Parts-Plus handles Wix so a Wix number would help me the most.

Here is some information I have from the Baldwin Filter dealer in the next town. She quoted part number P-550580 for the spin-on oil filters on the G-VI. Of course the filters are not in her stock and they will be at least a week away for delivery to her shop.

Any help with filter numbers would be greatly appreciated.

Carquest/Wix 85189 it should take two. Same filters used on 705 diesel, 445"s, etc. Hope this helps. When I change the oil on one that has been sitting a while I pull the 4 or 5 bolts on bottom oil pan where you drain oil and clean that sump plate good. If your hands are small enough you can also clean out bottom of oil pan but you must remove 3/8 bolt holding sump screen to oil pump. It would be a good time to inspect this screen it will come out the hole where the plate is. A tractor that has set for many years or not changed enough will be gummed up one that has been used along will be fairly clean.



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