G1000 Vista videos and brochures


Does anyone know of any videos or brochure scans of MM Vistas online? Surprisingly, I can't find a single video of a Vista online anywhere. There is a 1350 on YouTube but that's it. Would love to hear one run and work. Also would like to see some factory photos. Anyone care to post... or point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I've got a dvd of the "New M-670, G-900 - High Speed Farming, G-1000 Vista", I think it's a copy of the origional MM sales movies. I got it off Ebay a couple of years ago.
John, Would you be interested in making a copy of that to sell? I would LOVE to have a copy. I will re-imburse whatever you need to do it. I think some computers can do it otherwise Staples or somewhere can. Please email if you want
I believe the Mohr's (MM Corresponder) used to sell some of the videos years ago. One place that has some yet I believe is the Floyd Co. Historical Museum ( think that is the name ). I had gotten a list from them at one time. I did buy one a while back on the G1355/ Oliver 2255. I wish someone had some of the 445 5 Stars on up to the G1000s. Anyone have any of those?
John, I think I got mine from the same place as you! I am suprised though I have to admit that there is a demand on these dvd's. Every time I what mine it makes me want to run right out to the local dealer and buy a new "FARM BIG" With the all NEW "G 1000 VISTA"
Would either of you guys be interested in copying it? I guess I will try Floyd Co. anyone have their number?
At the MM convention in Charles City Someone was selling the DVD"s with original footage of Molines on them.I think Ill John might know who he was.His last name was Goodman..I think he"s from out East,but don"t know for sure.
641-228-1099 www.floydcountymuseum.org You may have to ask for a list of movies as I dont see one on the website.
I have the original 16mm film of the G1000 VISTA. Serveral years ago I had VHS tapes made and I sold them at the conventions. A couple of years ago I loaned the original VHS tape to Tony Turner and he made DVDs. Go to the Unofficial MM web site and contact Tony the webmaster. And I"m sure he can fix you up.

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