Galion 850 Motor Grader Shift Assembly


New User
I've got a 1999 Galion 850 motor grader. The U-Shaped shift assembly (PN 1439905H92) in it has failed and so far I have been unable to get a replacement. I've talked to Komatsu, who bought out Galion, and this particular part is discontinued, with no replacement, and none in stock. I've hit up just about every scrap yard and junk dealer who has a Galion that is disassembled or scraped and none of them have this shift assembly on hand. The one I need is for the 6 speed transmission, I was able to get my hands on an assembly for an 8 speed transmission, but the connector is smaller, and I don't have a wiring diagram to see if it's even feasible to try and make a pigtail/jumper. If anyone knows of someone who has this shift assembly or where I can get one I'd appreciate it.
(quoted from post at 17:28:34 11/19/21) I've got a 1999 Galion 850 motor grader. The U-Shaped shift assembly (PN 1439905H92) in it has failed and so far I have been unable to get a replacement. I've talked to Komatsu, who bought out Galion, and this particular part is discontinued, with no replacement, and none in stock. I've hit up just about every scrap yard and junk dealer who has a Galion that is disassembled or scraped and none of them have this shift assembly on hand. The one I need is for the 6 speed transmission, I was able to get my hands on an assembly for an 8 speed transmission, but the connector is smaller, and I don't have a wiring diagram to see if it's even feasible to try and make a pigtail/jumper. If anyone knows of someone who has this shift assembly or where I can get one I'd appreciate it.

Have you checked Anderson Equipment Company out?
I have, I actually called them because their site says they have one, but they told me they don't have any in stock and can't get them.
This is a long shot, but have you heard of a company
called AgExpress, see 1st link? They repair electronic
components mainly for ag applications like electronic
dash units for tractors. I know they do repairs on
hydrostatic drive controls for combines. You might
contact them and see if they would look at you unit
and what they would charge. Or maybe they could
recommend someone who deals with industrial
machine components. I did find another company K
and S but they look like they repair industrial
manufacturing machinery. Lastly I would recommend
you post this on AgTalk Machinery Talk section in
second link there are far more viewers there, and in
general they deal with newer machines.
Ag Express

Had the same problem with my 830 not shifting and also could not find replacement anywhere. Found company that makes aftermarket shifter circuit boards that are a direct replacement. Email me at [email protected] for more info. Thanks

Thank you to everyone who posted recommendations. I was waiting until I found out if my repair was going to work to update everyone. I sent my shifter in to JulTech out of Minnesota. They were able to rebuild the circuit board, and after installing and testing the shift assembly, it works like it should. Once again thank you to everyone.
Glad that worked out for you! It is such a shame that a good machine like that can be disabled by the lack of such a part that has be discontinued. On the other hand it is quite interesting how dependable the electronics on newer cars are.

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