GB LP Problem


Well-known Member
Some of you may remember my post from last year about the GB LP I bought. I had attempted to pull it in the 10,000lb class and it didn't do well. Shortly after that I noticed that when I stared it it would blow anti-freeze out the exhaust only when started. Were these prone to cracking heads if lugged in a heavy pull. Tractor never got hot.

To make long story short I parked the tractor. Cold weather started to come. I had a accident and broke my leg. I had my brother drain the oil and drain the antifreeze out of the tractor. Never thought of pulling plugs and spinning engine over. Thought it should of been ready for winter.

Well with spring trying to arrive I pulled oil filter off as no one could seem to get me an oil filter without a lot of freight. Found some Fleetguard filters and went to work on the GB this weekend. Built new 4 O battery cables, charged battery, pulled plugs, and was going to spin it over to see which cylinder was getting anti-freeze in. As my luck goes the engine is now stuck.

Not wanting anymore big projects is it hard to get head gaskets for the propane engines? Worse how hard is it to find a head if that is the problem. Since it has had anti-freeze in the oil might as well overhaul it. Is there a demand for parts tractors. Tempted to pull the tire and wheels off and just haul it to the recycling and sell it for scrap and be done with it.
Parts are plentiful for the 403 engines there were a lot of those made. Gaskets are also available too. Sounds like it is too good to junk.
Where are you at. I have an engine that could be bolted into it. I could possibly be intreseted in it if you are thinking about unloading it.
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Doesn't sound like it should be that stuck. Load her down with diesel fuel or something through the plug holes, and try turning it over with a monkey wrench on the pulley in a few weeks(plugs still out). What ever you do - DON'T SCRAP IT!!! It sounds like a pretty good tractor, and yes we need parts tractors, but not bad enough to dissasemble an almost running one. Good luck, and let us know how it works out...
I sprayed a full can of (16 oz?)PB Blaster into the cylinders and will try rocking it again this morning. Any idea if could be a head gasket. Previous owner brother claimed it was a good running tractor. They had it running day of the sale and sat for at least a weak before I picked it up. Don't recall it blowing anything out the exhaust then. Had good clean oil in it. Like right out of the container.
meant to add these with post. No laughing at the seat.



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