Gehl 1475 Round Baler question:

So i just bought this baler, and have a question about the electric tie. I read in the manual that there were two options: you could buy the monitor, or you could buy a sort of toggle switch (im assuming the monitor was the more expensive option). Mine has a toggle switch. Where im hung up is, it says if you have the toggle switch option, you should have a 1-5 with a sliding pointer that indicates how tall your bale will be. Mine does not have that sliding indicator. Did someone break the monitor and just got this toggle in its place??? Help!!
It's quite possible. I had computer problems with mine one time and made a jumper wire to plug in to the arm motor on mine so I could run it off the spout control of the chopper controls in the tractor cab.
My friends baler has the toggle switch and the pointer that slides up the baler for size and he has a mark up there and when the pointer reaches that mark he has to tie the bale with the toggle switch. It's a two pole switch so he can reverse the motor to go back to starting point of the tie.

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