Gehl 1870 round baler belts not turning

Any insight to this problem would be greatly appreciated. My brother has a Gehl 1870 round baler. Been making bales without issue and last night the belts quit turning when the gate was closed. He's tried different things, checking the psi which was fine, oil level, chain tension but not coming up with a solution and haven't been able to find any forums on this particular problem either. Ideas? Thanks!

Hello Jannee-Bananee, welcome to YT. In extreme cases I have seen where to add traction to turn the belt a weld rod has to be drug across the driving roller leaving spatter on the surface. It was done in intervals with a distance of about 1/3 the circumference of the roller. (3 places spaced somewhat evenly) Large and sharp spatter should be knocked down with a grinder to avoid damage to the belts. Also you have to be careful that the ground clamp is connected directly to the roller and not passing through any bearings. A large C-clamp can be utilized or a piece of strap iron hose clamped to the roller.

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