Gleaner 4-30 snapping roll change?

Doug Wi

Bought an f2 parts machine with a decent looking 4-30 black corn head. Put it on my f3 and ran it. seems good except one snapping roll outboard bearing is bad. has been run that way long enough that the bearing and housing is almost worn through and the snapping roll 1" shaft where the bearing rides is worn to about 3/4". How hard is it to change the snapping roll? Plan on selling it cause I,m still wide row. Or should I cut the price and sell as is? Thanks
Price out the parts and look at the work involved....they are a good header if properly maintained....check the drive couplers for wear....most parts will interchange with a black wide row, so either keep it for parts or sell it as is.

Price out the parts and look at the work involved....they are a good header if properly maintained....check the drive couplers for wear....most parts will interchange with a black wide row, so either keep it for parts or sell it as is.

What is involved in changing it?. Is there a gear attached to the top end with a roll pin?. can't really see any easy way to get at it. These 4-30's are in more demand than the wide row ones. Not really a big deal, but i like to help someone out if they need one. Thanks for the reply.

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