Gold Demonstrator???

Lynn Patrick

Well-known Member
Going to look at a 871 this morning. I THINK I see gold paint showing in the pics, so am wondering what paint should be used if it is, if I buy it, plus many more "ifs". Any paint codes or (now I'm dreaming) a Rustoleum number?
Rustoleum is a sacrificial paint that dulls quickly compared to a good enamel. Experience.
Thanks Tom. I knew that & mostly meant the Rustoleum as "I wish it was that simple!" I just posted a new thread a little bit ago that I finally answered an ad 17 miles from me for a 971 that showed NOTHING on line so had been ignoring it for a couple weeks. But when seeing it up close it's a 981 & has gold showing all over it!
Did you check the trans numbers to see if it was exchanged during the mid 60’s exchange program?
I thought that the raised casting code on the left side of the trans case was the number that would tell you whether it was an original ORC trans or if it was a replacement DDC trans. I did a search, and according to an old post, the original ORC casting code was 312259 and the replacement DDC trans casting codes were either C0NN-7006-B or C3NN-7006-B, but I remember reading somewhere that Ford started rebuilding the transmissions with the original ORC casting codes as DDC transmissions and used some of those in the replacement program, but I can't swear by that.
Finally got it home & unloaded. There's gold everywhere I look!


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Yea trans appears to have correct date code. Look for recall tracking numbers on right side of trans where serial numbers are but opposite side of tractor. What’s the serial number?
Yea trans appears to have correct date code. Look for recall tracking numbers on right side of trans where serial numbers are but opposite side of tractor. What’s the serial number?
Serial number is stamped weird! All in one line & VERY crooked - 881 60613. Probably done by the dealer who redid the tranny???

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