governot for a super C and many other international tractos


Well-known Member
I bought a governor assembly, part number , RO612, and it would not fit my super C. Looked like the one that came with the tractor but it would not fit. Bought it in June 6, 2016 and just had time to install it. Ended up putting the old one back in the tractor. It has a gear that is run by the camshaft gear and it also drives the distributor
Wanted to know if anybody else has bought one of these governors.

Called our host and of course they have a return period which is over I have bought parts from Yesterday's Tractors for years
Additionally I have the original involce for the part. I think they should allow me to return the part for credit. I fully realize that I should have used the part within the return period. Circumstances prevented me for using the part until today.
Will let members on the forum know what happens.
There is no doubt they should take it back it is the wrong part and doesent fit so its not your fault. Time limit is nuts in this case.
Thanks for your thought about time limit regarding return of a part that is wrong to Yesterdays Tractors. I will post on the forum what happens when I contact customer service at YT today. It is 4:15 am here in the San Juan Islands in Washington State. I
think WT works on eastern time .
After thinking some about your problem you say it looked the same but didnt fit. That can be a problem as the bushing where the assy goes sometimes needs to be resized some the body of the gov does vary and i have found out take one from one tractor and it just mite not fit the other tractor. Once i had to remove quite a git of the bushing to get the replacement to slide in. iI dont remember how much i had to hone out so the gear would slide in. Clearence is realy no big deal for fitting close cause it cant go anyplace. I also had a noise problem on one engine the gears were noisy but after some time they did quiet down.

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