H Oil filter help

That's something I had forgotten about. I think the orifice that controls the pressure is in the bolt. Rust or Barnyard would know more about this.
I just let mine drain for a couple hours or over night and it never makes a mess. Also, just loosen the bolt enough to rock the canister a little so it starts sucking air and not leaking oil.
$120 with a filter sure bets $255 without filter. Barnyard, Ill likely only change the filter this once. Wouldnt have done it now, but it was leaking a tiny but steady stream. Kevin, its leaking at the only place i can see for it to leak, between the base and the canister. Barnyard, I would like to keep the origional also, but it aint worth a flip if I cant stop it leaking
Just a few words to say, I GOT IT. Just went out, with a roll of paper towels, tightened the canister down more, started it up, leaked again. Pulled the canister, after stopping it, cleaned the area REAL good, and found a rubber gasket already in place. Pulled it out, and it looked good, put in the new one, replaced the canister and tightened it up snug, fired her up, and NO LEAKS,, YAY. Now to brush hog my pasture so I can take off the brush hog and get ready to start fall plowing. Thanks Guys for alla yer idees
Just a few words to say, I GOT IT. Just went out, with a roll of paper towels, tightened the canister down more, started it up, leaked again. Pulled the canister, after stopping it, cleaned the area REAL good, and found a rubber gasket already in place. Pulled it out, and it looked good, put in the new one, replaced the canister and tightened it up snug, fired her up, and NO LEAKS,, YAY. Now to brush hog my pasture so I can take off the brush hog and get ready to start fall plowing. Thanks Guys for alla yer idees
thats usually what it takes when u have a leak, is further investigating. it dont take all that much tightening, just snug and they dont leak.(y)
Just a few words to say, I GOT IT. Just went out, with a roll of paper towels, tightened the canister down more, started it up, leaked again. Pulled the canister, after stopping it, cleaned the area REAL good, and found a rubber gasket already in place. Pulled it out, and it looked good, put in the new one, replaced the canister and tightened it up snug, fired her up, and NO LEAKS,, YAY. Now to brush hog my pasture so I can take off the brush hog and get ready to start fall plowing. Thanks Guys for alla yer idees
That is what I was going to ask,did you get the old gaskets out? (I have seen more than two a few times.

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