Have an old OC3 that won't start. Is it destroyed?


New User
I am super depressed today. I spent $1900 getting my old OC3 running in fall of 2022. We usually only run it in the winter to plow heavy wet snow. The plan was to run it at least once a month to keep the oil circulating, but due to illness this Spring and Summer it hasn't been run in several months. Neither of us are mechanics so we have limited knowledge of starting it when it has been sitting too long. It struggled to turn over but ran the battery down some trying. Unfortunately while I was in the home my partner used lots of starter fluids to try to get it going. My late brother who was a mechanic warned me about using too much starter fluid because it can destroy the pistons and wash away the lubricating oil film from the cylinder walls. I told my partner not to use any more but I have no clue how much he used. He never did get it running. I didn't sleep at all last night worrying about when the starter fluid destroyed the engine. Please tell me that these tough, old engines aren't as easily destroyed as newer ones and that my old OC3 will live to fight another day after a real mechanic takes a look at it. :(
Pull the plugs and put oil in the cylinders turn engine over with plugs out. You need to find out what is really wrong no spark, plugged carburetor etc. Getting mechanic could be a good investment.
Pull the plugs and put oil in the cylinders turn engine over with plugs out. You need to find out what is really wrong no spark, plugged carburetor etc. Getting mechanic could be a good investment.
Okay, thanks. I did call the mechanic who worked on it in 2022 and left a message to stop by. Don't think it has a carburetor??? Has a magneto. ???
Okay, thanks. I did call the mechanic who worked on it in 2022 and left a message to stop by. Don't think it has a carburetor??? Has a magneto. ???
Gotta gave a magneto to produce a spark to blow the piston back down from the compressed gas air mixture from the carb ! It’s old school stuff, way before all this fuel injection and electronic computerized stuff nowadays.

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