Help identifying antique john deere plow thx


New User
A decade ago bought a hobby farm and a 49 mt to go with, me not knowing anything about tractors or implements bought this plow

When the guy I got the tractor from saw the plow he told me it was too big so it became a lawn ornament

Stopped using my mt a couple years ago when the starter went, finally got around to order the parts it needs to go again

But that brought me to the plow, any idea what this model is and what old girl she was for.
A decade ago bought a hobby farm and a 49 mt to go with, me not knowing anything about tractors or implements bought this plow

When the guy I got the tractor from saw the plow he told me it was too big so it became a lawn ornament

Stopped using my mt a couple years ago when the starter went, finally got around to order the parts it needs to go again

But that brought me to the plow, any idea what this model is and what old girl she was for.
A decade ago bought a hobby farm and a 49 mt to go with, me not knowing anything about tractors or implements bought this plow

When the guy I got the tractor from saw the plow he told me it was too big so it became a lawn ornament

Stopped using my mt a couple years ago when the starter went, finally got around to order the parts it needs to go again

But that brought me to the plow, any idea what this model is and what old girl she was for.
Welcome to the forums.

Without some pictures it is going to be hard to help with an ID.

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