Help identifying disc harrow

Diver Larry

New User
Hey all. Need some help identifying an old disc harrow. Can anyone tell me what the brand name and model of this is. I have attached pics. I have found no data plate or numbers. What I do know is it’s probably from 1940s most likely but that’s only a guess. Thanks for any info


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Can’t help with brand, but I don’t think its nearly that old. If I recall, the 3pt hitch wasn’t standardized til the 60s.
Hey all. Need some help identifying an old disc harrow. Can anyone tell me what the brand name and model of this is. I have attached pics. I have found no data plate or numbers. What I do know is it’s probably from 1940s most likely but that’s only a guess. Thanks for any info
Yes, 1930s or 1940s with upgrades to 3PT.

It has those nice disc cleaning fingers too. Something the disc harrows today don't have. The fingers prevents the wet soil from binding on the disc and no clumps left behind. A great feature.
Hey all. Need some help identifying an old disc harrow. Can anyone tell me what the brand name and model of this is. I have attached pics. I have found no data plate or numbers. What I do know is it’s probably from 1940s most likely but that’s only a guess. Thanks for any info
My guess is a Love brand.
Same curved main frames and wooden bearings as the one I had.

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