Help Identifying Fendt Warning light


Well-known Member
This light was one when I went to help its owner get unstuck here in Iceland. Tractor operated normally, no strange noises, but didn't think to ask the owner about the light as we were in a kind of critical situation. Looks to be part of the 4WD warning system. Next to it is a green light that looks identical. Sorry, not familiar with these tractors--appreciate any help.

(sorry for the fuzzy photo, grabbed it from a video clip)

Here's a little clearer picture of that model dash. First one looks like transfer case engaged light and the second one looks like differential lock engaged light.

Thank you. I was taught that RED meant stop operating whatever you're running immediately. Get it checked out. I'll see if anyone has more info on the diff lock. Maybe it lights up red so you don't continually operate it like that? We were on very muddy and snowy ground.
Tap the brakes, I'll bet the diff lock will "kick out" and the light WARNING you it's on will go out.
My experience on those tractors is the panel on the right side of cab controls the diff. lock just press it and it will go out. Tapping the brakes don't work on those tractors has been my experience
Sorry, I have to ask do you have the owners manual? I am sure it tells you. Don?t know how long you have had the tractor or where you purchased it but I believe most newer tractors especially those with cabs have a compartment behind the seat or somewhere in the cab that holds the manual. On the other hand I only own a 48 Farmall M so I could be way off.
Whoops, did that thing I hate when others do it. Replied without reading and understanding the complete original post. I now see you are not the owner of the tractor.
Thanks, all. The owner likely knew what he was doing if he left the differentials locked. Needed all the pull we could get--very heavy dump trailer with rocks and dirt--started to go over the edge of deep drainage ditch.

Impressive tractor, nice experience operating a machine like that. Going to be a different feeling when I get on my antique Massey back home.
This light was one when I went to help its owner get unstuck here in Iceland. Tractor operated normally, no strange noises, but didn't think to ask the owner about the light as we were in a kind of critical situation. Looks to be part of the 4WD warning system. Next to it is a green light that looks identical. Sorry, not familiar with these tractors--appreciate any help.

(sorry for the fuzzy photo, grabbed it from a video clip)

That's definitely the diff lock.
This light was one when I went to help its owner get unstuck here in Iceland. Tractor operated normally, no strange noises, but didn't think to ask the owner about the light as we were in a kind of critical situation. Looks to be part of the 4WD warning system. Next to it is a green light that looks identical. Sorry, not familiar with these tractors--appreciate any help.

(sorry for the fuzzy photo, grabbed it from a video clip)

Road tractors are like that too. Put the diff lock on and they show red. Probably so you don't run down the road with it on.

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