how dry I am


Well-known Member
mid-Ohio - went to look at the soybean field
cracks in the ground ½"wide
I took a stick and was able to push it down the crack at least a foot
will take a lot of rain to close those cracks
mid-Ohio - went to look at the soybean field
cracks in the ground ½"wide
I took a stick and was able to push it down the crack at least a foot
will take a lot of rain to close those cracks
How about the beans? It's been a dry year here in NY, but we got just enough in time, each time. Thankfully we got a bunch in August to finish crops, and very little since. Crops look excellent. Corn chopping progresses. Beans just getting started.
Was dry here in NE corner of Indiana until yesterday. I have not mowed lawn for 4 weeks. Raining some now and more expected. Don't think it hurt yield as rains came at right time as crops were maturing.
Here we didn't get enough rains to bring the creeks up all summer, but the rains we did get were timely and everyone's crops look as good as I've ever seen. It's dry now, which is helping with the dry down and harvesting
Here in East-Central Wi. We had decent rain fall through the year until about a month ago. It was getting dry. Saturday, it started to rain and by Sunday morning, we had 2.2 inches
Been real dry here east central Missouri. It started raining about 3 am Sunday morning and now raining again. Have about 4 1/2 inches in the gauge.
mid-Ohio - went to look at the soybean field
cracks in the ground ½"wide
I took a stick and was able to push it down the crack at least a foot
will take a lot of rain to close those cracks
Yeah, dry here in the Shenandoah too. Running about 12" short for the year. 3" short for September so far. A bit of rain so the creek isn't completely dry.

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