How to add hydraulic connections to the badk of my tractor.

Hello, I have a 1957 John Deere 420w. it has what looks like everything I need to hook up rear hydraulic connections so I can use my transport disk. The valve has two plugs in it. I am sure that is where I should hook up my two lines that go to the connections in the back of the tradtor. But when I went to the John Deere dealer to get two short hydraulic hoses with fittings to screw into where I take the plugs out and fittings on he other end to screw into the block with the female connections in it. The counter man said he don' t think I can do that. I have a 2010 with that block on it so I thought I could use that block on the back of the 420w. But he said that they have two completely different hydraulic systems and it won't work. I then ask if I could just use two single quick tach fittings one on each hose. at first he said yes but then he said he didn't think that would work either. He said when I put pressure into the valve it may blow the packing out ot the valve. Now I don't know what to do. Has anyone had this problem and managed to get the hydraulics in the back hooked up.? thank you very much for any and all thoughts and suggestions.
Hello, I have a 1957 John Deere 420w. it has what looks like everything I need to hook up rear hydraulic connections so I can use my transport disk. The valve has two plugs in it. I am sure that is where I should hook up my two lines that go to the connections in the back of the tradtor. But when I went to the John Deere dealer to get two short hydraulic hoses with fittings to screw into where I take the plugs out and fittings on he other end to screw into the block with the female connections in it. The counter man said he don' t think I can do that. I have a 2010 with that block on it so I thought I could use that block on the back of the 420w. But he said that they have two completely different hydraulic systems and it won't work. I then ask if I could just use two single quick tach fittings one on each hose. at first he said yes but then he said he didn't think that would work either. He said when I put pressure into the valve it may blow the packing out ot the valve. Now I don't know what to do. Has anyone had this problem and managed to get the hydraulics in the back hooked up.? thank you very much for any and all thoughts and suggestions.
Maybe someone familiar with your 420w can answer your question. Asking you if everything you are mentioning are stock JD parts may go some of the distance. In my opinion since blocking pressure from a hydraulic pump with no relief valve can break parts it would be best to see some photos of what you are describing.
Hello, I have a 1957 John Deere 420w. it has what looks like everything I need to hook up rear hydraulic connections so I can use my transport disk. The valve has two plugs in it. I am sure that is where I should hook up my two lines that go to the connections in the back of the tradtor. But when I went to the John Deere dealer to get two short hydraulic hoses with fittings to screw into where I take the plugs out and fittings on he other end to screw into the block with the female connections in it. The counter man said he don' t think I can do that. I have a 2010 with that block on it so I thought I could use that block on the back of the 420w. But he said that they have two completely different hydraulic systems and it won't work. I then ask if I could just use two single quick tach fittings one on each hose. at first he said yes but then he said he didn't think that would work either. He said when I put pressure into the valve it may blow the packing out ot the valve. Now I don't know what to do. Has anyone had this problem and managed to get the hydraulics in the back hooked up.? thank you very much for any and all thoughts and suggestions.
Maybe post your question in the John Deere forums, listed in the manufactures' section under the forum header. Mark.
Hello, I have a 1957 John Deere 420w. it has what looks like everything I need to hook up rear hydraulic connections so I can use my transport disk. The valve has two plugs in it. I am sure that is where I should hook up my two lines that go to the connections in the back of the tradtor. But when I went to the John Deere dealer to get two short hydraulic hoses with fittings to screw into where I take the plugs out and fittings on he other end to screw into the block with the female connections in it. The counter man said he don' t think I can do that. I have a 2010 with that block on it so I thought I could use that block on the back of the 420w. But he said that they have two completely different hydraulic systems and it won't work. I then ask if I could just use two single quick tach fittings one on each hose. at first he said yes but then he said he didn't think that would work either. He said when I put pressure into the valve it may blow the packing out ot the valve. Now I don't know what to do. Has anyone had this problem and managed to get the hydraulics in the back hooked up.? thank you very much for any and all thoughts and suggestions.
The open centre SCV from a 40,420,430,440 and 1010 up to serial 31,000 directly bolt onto your tractor . Some differences in pipe work depending in the C,H,S,U,V, W chassis.

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