How to hand turn the starting motor


My ford 8n front mount just clicks when I push the button. It worked before but was having trouble starting it. After a while it just started clicking when I push the button. I heard if it clicks then it probably isn't a solenoid issue, but it got stuck somehow when I tried to start it while it was spinning, something about the bendix? My questions is, I took off the housing for the motor to try and crank it by hand to getr the bendix in the right position. Where do I turn it?


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My ford 8n front mount just clicks when I push the button. It worked before but was having trouble starting it. After a while it just started clicking when I push the button. I heard if it clicks then it probably isn't a solenoid issue, but it got stuck somehow when I tried to start it while it was spinning, something about the bendix? My questions is, I took off the housing for the motor to try and crank it by hand to getr the bendix in the right position. Where do I turn it?
I've never heard of anyone doing what you've done and (unless you have experience working on starters and generators) you are in for a fun time getting the armature back into the brush end of the starter.

You should have left the starter together and wiggled the drive end frame loose from the flywheel housing, this would have unstuck the drive from the flywheel.

Or, left the starter intact and simply ROCKED the tractor back and forth VIGOROUSLY in 4TH gear, which would have freed the starter drive from the ring gear.
I've never heard of anyone doing what you've done and (unless you have experience working on starters and generators) you are in for a fun time getting the armature back into the brush end of the starter.

You should have left the starter together and wiggled the drive end frame loose from the flywheel housing, this would have unstuck the drive from the flywheel.

Or, left the starter intact and simply ROCKED the tractor back and forth VIGOROUSLY in 4TH gear, which would have freed the starter drive from the ring gear.
Can you tell me what you mean by wiggle the drive end frame loose from the flywheel housing? Explain it like I'm an idiot, because I wiggled everything pretty good before I took anything all the way off and nothing happened. Which oart needs to be wiggled to get it unstuck? I did do the rocking back and forth in fourth gear thing. I tried to do that before anything else. I think I can put it back on pretty easy as is but I don't want to do anything else until I know where the flywheel is or which part to wiggled. Thanks.
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Can you tell me what you mean by wiggle the drive end frame loose from the flywheel housing? Explain it like I'm an idiot, because I wiggled everything pretty good before I took anything all the way off and nothing happened. Which oart needs to be wiggled to get it unstuck? I did do the rocking back and forth in fourth gear thing. I tried to do that before anything else. I think I can put it back on pretty easy as is but I don't want to do anything else until I know where the flywheel is or which part to wiggled. Thanks.
The aluminum "drive end" of the starter assembly needs to come free of the flywheel housing.

Looking from the front of the tractor the engine crankshaft rotates CW and the starter armature turns CCW.

Put on some gloves and attempt to turn the stater armature reverse of normal rotation (CW) and see if it will free up and turn.
If you ever get that starter out and back together, take it to an auto supply and have it tested. If it tests O.K., then put it back on the tractor and charge the battery and clean the battery connections. The solenoid clicking is a sign of a dead battery or loose or contaminated battery connections.
If you ever get that starter out and back together, take it to an auto supply and have it tested. If it tests O.K., then put it back on the tractor and charge the battery and clean the battery connections. The solenoid clicking is a sign of a dead battery or loose or contaminated battery connections.
Been through that 3 or 4 times over 20 years. Just a click...nothing more. Removed all connections and cleaned them with a file and sand paper and that cures it. The last time my MF202 did that and I cleaned all the connections, it still did not start. Come to find out that the end of the ground cable from the battery had a loose connection to the frame. I could not see it because I had to remove the battery to get at it. Cleaned and tightened it up and it started right up.

That click almost always means a bad connection somewhere.
My ford 8n front mount just clicks when I push the button. It worked before but was having trouble starting it. After a while it just started clicking when I push the button. I heard if it clicks then it probably isn't a solenoid issue, but it got stuck somehow when I tried to start it while it was spinning, something about the bendix? My questions is, I took off the housing for the motor to try and crank it by hand to getr the bendix in the right position. Where do I turn it?
Don’t panic on putting the starter back together. The starters on both my 8Ns wanted to be birches and come apart when I had to remove them.there are videos on YouTube that will show how to retract the brushes and get the springs out of the way. A pair of needle nose pliers and some patients and maybe a helper. Hope your original starter is good and you do not have to replace your ring gear on the flywheel.
Been through that 3 or 4 times over 20 years. Just a click...nothing more. Removed all connections and cleaned them with a file and sand paper and that cures it. The last time my MF202 did that and I cleaned all the connections, it still did not start. Come to find out that the end of the ground cable from the battery had a loose connection to the frame. I could not see it because I had to remove the battery to get at it. Cleaned and tightened it up and it started right up.

That click almost always means a bad connection somewhere.
And its almost always the ground cable, either at the battery, or at the chassis. That's my number one place I look first. steve
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Don’t panic on putting the starter back together. The starters on both my 8Ns wanted to be birches and come apart when I had to remove them.there are videos on YouTube that will show how to retract the brushes and get the springs out of the way. A pair of needle nose pliers and some patients and maybe a helper. Hope your original starter is good and you do not have to replace your ring gear on the flywheel.
Actually, you can lift the brushes and cock the springs over to the side of the brushes to hold them in the raised position for assembly.
My ford 8n front mount just clicks when I push the button. It worked before but was having trouble starting it. After a while it just started clicking when I push the button. I heard if it clicks then it probably isn't a solenoid issue, but it got stuck somehow when I tried to start it while it was spinning, something about the bendix? My questions is, I took off the housing for the motor to try and crank it by hand to getr the bendix in the right position. Where do I turn it?
You might get a hand crank made. I still have the one that was in my '48 Dodge and it starts my '419n easily.
Remember Toto (edit: oops Fritz Mayer said I needed to correct this to say Tatoo) on Fantasy Island? da-plane.. da-plane. Here he needs to point out the DA-DATE.. DA-DATE. Post is going on 2 months old, the OP has not viewed YT since May 5. In reply 8 he tells you his dilemma was solved. All added lure, since the April post is but a waste. Oh well, I try. Not sure what “island” some of these YTer are occupying? :oops: :unsure:
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Post is going on 2 months old, the OP has not viewed YT since May 5. In reply 8 he tells you his dilemma was solved.

Don’t forget that some posters will see this thread for the first time long after the OP. Many because they have a similar issue. If posting something can help a friend, why not? Even if it doesn’t help the OP.

Chris from CLE
Remember Toto on Fantasy Island? da-plane.. da-plane. Here he needs to point out the DA-DATE.. DA-DATE. Post is going on 2 months old, the OP has not viewed YT since May 5. In reply 8 he tells you his dilemma was solved. All added lure, since the April post is but a waste. Oh well, I try. Not sure what “island” some of these YTer are occupying? :oops: :unsure:
You should apply those emojis to yourself. The last time you were on this soap box, you said we could have a year.

Toto never starred in Fantasy Island.
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