How to hand turn the starting motor

You should apply those emojis to yourself. The last time you were on this soap box, you said we could have a year.

Toto never starred in Fantasy Island.
Oh darn, but I’m the guy that is dumb and pokes the hornets nest. Forgot about giving you a year.

To Chris…CLE I understand that perfectly and there is some value to that. if these guys looked at the post dates and read the replies to find out he solved his problem would they have actually made the effort to add a reply knowing the OP has went on his merry way?
Oh darn, but I’m the guy that is dumb and pokes the hornets nest. Forgot about giving you a year.

To Chris…CLE I understand that perfectly and there is some value to that. if these guys looked at the post dates and read the replies to find out he solved his problem would they have actually made the effort to add a reply knowing the OP has went on his merry way?
You're forgetting one important thing. If I have a problem with something, I will often do a search on the subject to see if anyone else had an answer to my problem. I would welcome seeing that someone came up with a solution months or even years after the OP posted his problem. Maybe his solution is more helpful for my problem.

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