How to toe a tractor with hydrostatic transmission


New User
Have a Mahendra emax sub compact tractor that not running & need to pull it up on a trailer, I am told you must disengage the transmission first but after reading the manual front to back there is no info on how to do this?
Hello again! You must have lost your ability to locate your previous post. Here is a link to it Previous thread As Harry in KY replied it seems like only the “speed range” lever has to be in neutral. It is shown as the “Sub shift lever” on page 33 of the manual I linked in my reply to your other thread. Since the manual does not say specifically to do xyz when towing your tractor it seems there is a bit of a grey area here. If making that shift disconnects the hydrostatic drive motor from the drive train I would say you are probably okay to tow it at least SOME distance. If it were my tractor unless I could get verification from a dealer that no harm would be done towing it two miles then I WOULD PUT IT ON A TRAILER.
Have a Mahendra emax sub compact tractor that not running & need to pull it up on a trailer, I am told you must disengage the transmission first but after reading the manual front to back there is no info on how to do this?
put it in neutral and load it. your not dragging it down the raod.

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