Hydraulic Filter Disintegrated (MF20 Industrial)


I've not come across greater evidence than the photo below for servicing/changing filters. I bought an MF20 a few weeks ago, and am getting around to changing all the hydraulic oil. I thought the filter was going to look pretty ugly, but I never expected to see this. The metal filter (mesh) element has disintegrated into goo. I can only assume this is the original factory filter.

The oil was really milky, so I've contorted my (clean) arm into the access panel and have been scraping as much sludge/oil as I can towards and out the rearmost drain plug. I'm going to let it drip for a few days at this point.

Now a few questions:

1. Originally I had no intention of flushing with anything (like diesel)...but given the state of the filter, do I need to reconsider?

2. Since the original is too far gone, I can't tell how it should be oriented in the screw-top canister. Should the black gasket face the top, or the bottom?


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that's actually a filter for newer pumps
Old one is open on both ends hence the screw on cap
Thanks, I figured that was probably the case when I got looking at it closer yesterday. I've got the correct filter on order and coming soon. 👍🏼

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