Hydraulic oil- where do i fill the system?


New User
I'm new to tractors. I recently purchased a 1968 Ford 3000. I repaired a hydraulic leak and need to and to the system. Where do I fill it and what is good hydraulic oil for it?
As Bern said, use any Universal Tractor/Trans fluid (UTF) that says on the label that it meets or exceeds the Ford/New Holland M2C134D specification. The rear axle is also the sump for the hydraulic fluid. The fill hole is the one with the large hex head plug in it on top of the differential housing, under your right butt cheek as you're sitting on the tractor. There should be a smaller square headed plug on the right side near where your right heel is when you're sitting on the tractor. That is the level check hole. Remove both plugs and fill it through the fill hole until the fluid just begins to drip out of the level check hole and then reinstall both plugs.
As Bern said, use any Universal Tractor/Trans fluid (UTF) that says on the label that it meets or exceeds the Ford/New Holland M2C134D specification. The rear axle is also the sump for the hydraulic fluid. The fill hole is the one with the large hex head plug in it on top of the differential housing, under your right butt cheek as you're sitting on the tractor. There should be a smaller square headed plug on the right side near where your right heel is when you're sitting on the tractor. That is the level check hole. Remove both plugs and fill it through the fill hole until the fluid just begins to drip out of the level check hole and then reinstall both plugs.
Thank you for the help! I really appreciate it!
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