hydraulic scv question?


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On tractors built in the 1940s era, many tractors only had 1 rear scv remote. When I say 1, I don't mean 1 set (2 remotes), I mean that you can only connect 1 hose. This is usually power up, gravity down. If you have this setup, how hard is it to convert it to be able to connect 2 hoses for use with more modern implements?
you will need a open center double acting spool valve possibly with a built in pressure relief. also you will need a return line from valve to to tank Burdens surplus center
Use a spool valve. Conect the pressure line to the valve. Return the oil back to the reservoir.Basicly a loop. Leave the tractor control always open,let the oil circulate.That's how you do it on H/M Farmalls.
Commonly referred to as "one-way" or "single-acting" hydraulics.

You're looking to add "two-way" or "dual-acting" hydraulics. No problem. In fact there was an option to add them to those old tractors. Look up "Christmas tree valve." You don't need one of those. Really any open center double-acting spool valve (also referred to as "four way" in some hydraulic catalogs) will perform the function as @buzzinduzzin describes.

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