I need help with my International 424 clutch.


New User
I have an IH 424 diesel with a 2 stage clutch and am trying to adjust the clutch because the PTO will grind a lot and barely engages when compressing the clutch and sometimes will not throw the tranny out enough and grinds gears like crazy. Only about the bottom 1 3/4 to 2 inches of the pedal travel works. I have tried adjusting it multiple times to the operator manual instructions by loosening the pedal clamp bolts and rotating the shaft accordingly for 6 inches of full travel and 3/4 free play but it just moves the 1 3/4 inches of actual clutch up a little and the clutch will not go all the way down thus not doing anything. Was just wondering if anyone knew how to help or if my clutch is screwed. I would be shocked if it was because the tractor only has 2400 hours on it. Sorry if I didn’t explain well but help is appreciated.
Remove the inspection under the clutch housing and have a look at the release bearing and the fingers on the pressure plate.
Check the fingers for being all the same distance from the release bearing and check the release bearing for spinning freely and no slop on the outer part of the bearing.
Rereading your post when you adjust clutch to having the 3/4 inch free play at the top then it will not travel all the way down to the foot rest? Do you still feel the difference in clutch pedal pressure at the halfway point when transmission clutch is released and start to release the PTO clutch? Don’t force the PTO lever into gear or you will shear the engagement pin off in the PTO lever mechanism . Shut engine off put PTO into gear and start engine. It is OK to disengage PTO with out using clutch when machine is idling.
When I adjusted clutch there was 3/4 inches of free play and then 1 3/4 inches of clutch and then it stopped and wouldn’t engage anymore. I have been shutting tractor off to engage PTO like you said. And when adjusted I don’t feel the PTO clutch engage at all because the clutch will not press down enough. Will look behind cover thanks for the help Jim.
You should see something like photo below, release bearing on top of photo, with clutch pedal in up position there should be a gap between release bearing and pressure plate fingers, the bolt circled in RED at 7 o'clock adjusts the height of the pressure plate fingers, the bolt and gap circled in RED at 5 o'clock is the gap adjustment for PTO clutch, PTO clutch plate is PURPLE stripe. Make sure all the pins are in the pressure plate fingers, you can see the end of one at about 3 o'clock in the photo.
I am trying to remember how this all works it has been 40 years since I worked on one, I believe when you press on the clutch half way down it moves the main pressure plate that the fingers are attached to down until it closes the gap in RED circle at 5 o'clock, then when you continue to press clutch towards foot rest that bolt in RED at 5 o'clock pushes the PTO clutch pressure plate away from PTO clutch plate. The PTO clutch plate may be stuck to the PTO pressure plate or the driving plate just below the PURPLE stripe.
See Parts Diagram below.


Parts Diagram

Interesting stuff for sure, will look into it and update with outcome. Much appreciated Jim.

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