Identify MF35


New User
Hi, all.

I have what I think is a MF35 from '64 with a 3-cyl Perkins. The (painted-over) ID Plate has a S/N of "SNW 241539" so it might be pre-'64 (I saw a reference that said the beginning S/N for '64 was 247xxx, so maybe this is '63, but not sure if it's even a US market).

There is no Air Prebreather tube and it has a low exhaust, if that helps.

I need to get new gauges and re-do the switch and fuel heater circuits, so I'll need some better ID than I currently possess.

Hi, all.

I have what I think is a MF35 from '64 with a 3-cyl Perkins. The (painted-over) ID Plate has a S/N of "SNW 241539" so it might be pre-'64 (I saw a reference that said the beginning S/N for '64 was 247xxx, so maybe this is '63, but not sure if it's even a US market).

There is no Air Prebreather tube and it has a low exhaust, if that helps.

I need to get new gauges and re-do the switch and fuel heater circuits, so I'll need some better ID than I currently possess.

YT's serial number list and TractorData both show 235123 as the first 1963 serial number and 247605 as the first 1964 serial number, that makes your 241539 serial number a 1963 number. Your MF35 is a 1963 unit.

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