Identifying Tractor Year and Engine Specifics


New User
Hi all

A family member has recently passed away and there are three Massey-Ferguson tractors that he owned and looked after for many years.
I'm just trying to identify specifics as a lot of the knowledge on these has been lost.

One is a Massey Ferguson TE-20 I believe, it's serial number begins with TED265
Its engine code begins with 196 and ends in E, and is listed as 2088CC on the V5.
Is this petrol, and is the model correct? And what year would that make it?

Would also be interested in suggestions on valuing them, they're all in nice condition and would like to make sure they go to a good owner too.

Thank you very much
Hi Aidan, welcome. Right on this site, if you look at the top, you will see, Resources. Click on that down arrow and you will see serial numbers. Go there for some help with yours. Also you could go to Tractordata dot com.

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