IH 504 Gasoline 1967-ish Neutral Safety Switch - Need Info!

Not sure if you want suggestion on installing one. Someone else in this thread mentioned a brake light switch. I agree that would work great(as long as the start button is just triggering the solenoid). Just install the now "clutch switch" in between either the power going to the start button or in between the start button and the solenoid. Then that start button will not work until you push the clutch in.
I guess I don't see the problem here in a way. I just push the clutch out when I get on to start things and if standing beside one I check for neutral before hitting the starter button/switch. only time I had a problem was when my brother didn't check things before he hit the switch.
I guess I don't see the problem here in a way. I just push the clutch out when I get on to start things and if standing beside one I check for neutral before hitting the starter button/switch. only time I had a problem was when my brother didn't check things before he hit the switch.
I had been working on it for a couple hours and starting/killing so it was in neutral at first. I think hit lever or pulled something over it to pull it in gear.

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