IH 560 diesel parasitic draw issue

I had a new alternator with a short that caused a parasitic draw on a single wire alternator.

PLEASE this is a suggestion, but run a new 10 gauge wire from the battery to the terminal on the alternator and see if that solves your short problem.

If not then your problem is a short in the new alternator
Btw, I did get a second alternator and it also had the same draw.
I’m just going to install a battery cut off switch to resolve the pull when the tractor is not in service.
Btw, I did get a second alternator and it also had the same draw.
I’m just going to install a battery cut off switch to resolve the pull when the tractor is not in service.
Did you have a test light with an incandescent bulb? Just curious how brightly the bulb lit. If your test light is a LED, don’t worry about it. Where did you buy the alternators? Do they just advertise them as one wire? It is unfortunate that they don’t warn people in the description that they have an inherent draw. If you would have asked I probably could have told you that just getting the same replacement alternator would have provided you with another unit with the inherent draw. They count on the fact that the unit it is being placed on is not going to set for more than two weeks at a time.

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