IH 706 fuel filters


New User
I have an early ser # 706 (#1276). Filters on right side of engine. Does anyone have the exact process to replace filters? I have a manual for the 706, but it seems to have a different setup of filters. My guess - shut off fuel flow, take out filters, replace filters, top up housings with fuel, replace cap. Open fuel supply, bleed filter housings, and bleed injector pump? Is the pump self priming? New to diesel engines and don't want to end up making more work than needed. Thanks for the help!
Make sure the bleeders for the filter covers are at the top nearest the engine. I always loosen the line where it enters the pump also. I never fill the canisters with unfiltered fuel either. If you have good fuel flow, it only takes a minute or two to fill the filters with the bleeder open
My 806 is the same set up and I just let fuel flow from the tank to bleed them so I don't have unfiltered fuel in the system. Like Mr Freed said it only takes a short bit to see fuel. A full tank flows fastest. I would keep the tank full if this is a unit that will be setting a lot. It helps with reducing condensation in the tank. Should not need to bleed pump if you don't open it up while changing filters. Check for leaks obviously when you start it let it run for a bit to make sure any air left in the lines is purged out this way. Yes they will run and stop if there is a bit of air in there and especially if you just start then sop it if there was a drop of air in there you will now have to bleed the whole system for it.

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