IH 706 fuel filters


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I have an early ser # 706 (#1276). Filters on right side of engine. Does anyone have the exact process to replace filters? I have a manual for the 706, but it seems to have a different setup of filters. My guess - shut off fuel flow, take out filters, replace filters, top up housings with fuel, replace cap. Open fuel supply, bleed filter housings, and bleed injector pump? Is the pump self priming? New to diesel engines and don't want to end up making more work than needed. Thanks for the help!
I have an early ser # 706 (#1276). Filters on right side of engine. Does anyone have the exact process to replace filters? I have a manual for the 706, but it seems to have a different setup of filters. My guess - shut off fuel flow, take out filters, replace filters, top up housings with fuel, replace cap. Open fuel supply, bleed filter housings, and bleed injector pump? Is the pump self priming? New to diesel engines and don't want to end up making more work than needed. Thanks for the help!
If it's running now, Just put the filter lids back on with the bleed screws at the TOP towards the head. Bleed the air from the first filter, then after it's air free bleed the second filter. Pump should not need bled If you do it this way. If engine starts and dies, THEN it will need bled.
Yep, when I was doing it I was a kid and had no trouble. IIRC there are drain plugs at the bottom of the housings so you can drain them out after pulling the filters. You just re-open the flow from the tank and open the bleeders, shut them as they put out fluid. If it gets run out of fuel, you will have to continue downstream thru the pump and up tp the injectors, but a pretty easy system to bleed

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