I'm trying to help a friend find a sieve


Well-known Member
You guys may not know me as I hang out on the J I Case board but I'm trying to help a friend find a sieve for a Minneapolis Moline Special 28-46 Last year at our Carstens 1880 Farmstead show it shook it self apart. Any help in finding one would be greatly appreciated. We are in SW Iowa but would be willing to travel to get one. Thanks in advance. Gerald
You guys may not know me as I hang out on the J I Case board but I'm trying to help a friend find a sieve for a Minneapolis Moline Special 28-46 Last year at our Carstens 1880 Farmstead show it shook it self apart. Any help in finding one would be greatly appreciated. We are in SW Iowa but would be willing to travel to get one. Thanks in advance. Gerald
If you have all the pieces I should think someone could get it back together. Good luck.
Ever get any dimensions on it?
No I haven't. He just found out that his wife has cancer so he is focusing on that and I haven't been wanting to bother him. I'll get the dimensions but probably later than sooner. I'll post them when I do. Thanks for replying and for the follow up reply. Gerald
You guys may not know me as I hang out on the J I Case board but I'm trying to help a friend find a sieve for a Minneapolis Moline Special 28-46 Last year at our Carstens 1880 Farmstead show it shook it self apart. Any help in finding one would be greatly appreciated. We are in SW Iowa but would be willing to travel to get one. Thanks in advance. Gerald
The dimensions of the sieve are 43" x 39 1/2 He would be willing to travel to get one if need be.

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