Info needed on 55 A JD plow


I just purchased what I believe is a model 55 A plow. Am going to try to attach pictures. The land wheel is a cast center with a 21 inch rim clamped on. Is this a stock wheel or did some one put on an after market ? Also I need to replace the points. They dont seem to be John Deere. On the back is (STAR MFG CO SOLID 347) There is a small number that looks like 78 14. They attach to molboard with one bolt and and a draw rod that that attaches to a small hook on bottom of point. Hope someone has info on where to purchase points. The plow is a 3 bottom 14 inch, trip lift. All info appreciated...Thank You...Ben


Your plow has the old style points and they are high priced to replace. Some one has welded the newer throw away point on the old point on your plow. The moldboards are worn too.
It is older than a 1949 because of the clamp style wheel.
The wheel is stock (shown in the parts catalog).

You can go to and open Parts Catalog PC158 and try to figure out what bottoms you have as they are listed in a separate Parts Catalog from the plow.

I don't know if STAR (an aftermarket supplier) would have used DEERE numbers, but DEERE DID have a 14" plowshare, part #BCA347A, no longer available.

You can also view the parts catalog for the plow, PC178.
Ben, with the wear those bottoms are showing I would try to find a salvage plow some place and install the newer High Speed bottoms to your plow. They will bolt right on. You will also have a better plow when you are done. Mike
I have a similar plow only my is hydraulic - those are what they call Syracuse bottoms (maybe because they were made there?). They are cast iron and quite expensive - I don't think JD has made them for a while so they are aftermarket. If you have stoney ground they will break quite easily. A few years ago I changed mine out for the bottoms off a 314 plow and now can by the plow points at tractor supply for about 25% of the cost of the cast iron points. I have hit some big stones with mine which has bent the tips but have yet to break one. Best move I ever made with plows.
(quoted from post at 20:10:17 07/24/10) I have a similar plow only my is hydraulic - those are what they call Syracuse bottoms.

Negative. Those are EP bottoms. They are not cast. EP shares are flipping impossible to find, new or used. I would suggest rebuilding them with throw-away lays like they have been already. The peculiarity with EP shares is that the share flatten outs quite a bit towards the wing end. When you weld on a throw-away lay, you'll have to flatten out the wing once its on, or maybe cut the lay into two pieces.

(quoted from post at 12:07:42 07/24/10) Ben, with the wear those bottoms are showing I would try to find a salvage plow some place and install the newer High Speed bottoms to your plow. They will bolt right on. You will also have a better plow when you are done. Mike

I would have to disagree. EP bottoms are kick-butt and I would definitely keep them. EP's are commonly worn by the shin area; you can live with it, or build it up with weld.

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