International 275 windrower c-123 carburetor

I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more than 5 minutes. I would like to try a different carburetor.

I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more than 5 minutes. I would like to try a different carburetor.

Flooding at idle? Does the float have a hole in it? "Not making full power for more than 5 minutes"??? Are you sure it's a carb issue?
I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more than 5 minutes. I would like to try a different carburetor.

For the C-123, check here
My IH 275 has an AMC 232 engine.
I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more than 5 minutes. I would like to try a different carburetor.

By the way my IH 275 Windrower will end up going to salvage. The engine was fully rebuilt engine, but has set for a few years. Located west central Iowa.
Yes, it is a C-123. My C-123 manual says they were installed in 210, 275, 375 swathers and came with a Zenith 267X9 carburetor. I checked the float and it does not have any holes in it. At idle it floods. When I take the air intake hose off gas runs out. When I run it at full throttle it runs well, but after a few minutes it no longer runs at full rpm, like it is starving for fuel. I have drained the gas tank and checked fuel flow and it is unrestricted. I'm in California. I wonder what it would cost to ship an engine here from Iowa. This swather sat in a field since 2019. I don't know if it was running then. Who know what anyone did to it since it was new.

The catalogs show the C-153 installed in early 275 windrowers. It and the C-123 look about the same. Are you sure that isn't what you have? I don't know if that would explain the carburetor difference of not. The manuals do show a different carb/manifold gasket for the 153 than the 123.
The catalogs show the C-153 installed in early 275 windrowers. It and the C-123 look about the same. Are you sure that isn't what you have? I don't know if that would explain the carburetor difference of not. The manuals do show a different carb/manifold gasket for the 153 than the 123.
I wonder if the O.P. has actually identified the engine as a C123 vs. a C153 by looking at the I.D. stamping on the upper RH side of the block, near the front, and above the mag or distributor drive?
Yes, it is a C-123. My C-123 manual says they were installed in 210, 275, 375 swathers and came with a Zenith 267X9 carburetor. I checked the float and it does not have any holes in it. At idle it floods. When I take the air intake hose off gas runs out. When I run it at full throttle it runs well, but after a few minutes it no longer runs at full rpm, like it is starving for fuel. I have drained the gas tank and checked fuel flow and it is unrestricted. I'm in California. I wonder what it would cost to ship an engine here from Iowa. This swather sat in a field since 2019. I don't know if it was running then. Who know what anyone did to it since it was new.

With the engine off and the gas on does it continue to run/drip out of the hose off the carb intake? If so his can easily be caused by debris keeping the float needle from sealing properly.
Where exactly are you getting good fuel flow? It needs checked at the carb drain plug. You have to see if it continues to flow well after 5 seconds when the carb bowl reserve has drained out. Diring your carb repair did you remove the fitting from then carb that fuel line connects to? Many of them have a fine screen that can easily plug. This is the reason the flow needs checked at the carb bowl drain. Check into that screen. Put it back together take the carb drain plug out turn on the fuel and tap on the top of the carb with the open end of a 3/4” wrench about 10 times. This vibrates the float needle around while gas is flowing past it and helps dislodges debris that might be keeping it from sealing. Put the carb drain plug back in and try it. Does it still have a sediment bowl under the gas tank? If so it needs a screen in the top of it to filter out debris and not let it get down to the secondary screen I talked about at the carb. Are you thinking about getting that engine from Iowa to solve these issues or is there other problems with your engine? I doubt that is your answer. You just have to figure out what is causing this engine not to run as it should.
I think you are correct, it is a C-153. The engine is above the fuel tank and there is an electric fuel pump to get the fuel to the carb. The only stamped number is 30808 which is stamped above the casting that says Firing order. I'll have to remove the intake and turn on the fuel pump to see if it floods without the engine running.

I found a local company (well, within 50 miles) that can bench check the carburetor. Once this is done I can eliminate the carburetor as part of my problem. While I wait for the carburetor I can check the valve timing. As in interesting side note, I found that one of the tractors left behind by the previous owner of the property, has a C-123 engine in it. They look very similar.
I found a local company (well, within 50 miles) that can bench check the carburetor. Once this is done I can eliminate the carburetor as part of my problem. While I wait for the carburetor I can check the valve timing. As in interesting side note, I found that one of the tractors left behind by the previous owner of the property, has a C-123 engine in it. They look very similar.
The C-123, C-135 and C-153 are all the same engine family so look alike.
I found a local company (well, within 50 miles) that can bench check the carbureto
I wonder what kind of process they use to “bench check” a carb?
I can check the valve timing.
If you think that it gives you full power for any length of time even if it only a few minutes there is nothing about valve timing that will change from good to bad. Setting the valve clearance or lash certainly won’t hurt.
Did you check for a screen in the fitting of the fuel inlet of the carb as I suggested? If it’s plugged you could be out swathing in 30 minutes!
The rest of the story: I took the carburetor to a specialist that has a flow bench. There were a lot of things wrong with it including parts installed backwards. It would have never worked properly on this engine. I'm pretty sure that in 2019 someone tried to get the engine running and installed this carburetor they had laying around or bought used. After some trial and error I had to go up 3 jet sizes to get the engine to run smooth at full rpm. It no longer floods.

I am trying to find a replacement carburetor for an international C-123 engine. It currently has a Marvel-Schebler carb on it. There are no marking on the carb. I have rebuilt the carb with two different kits and still have problems with it flooding at idle and not making full power for more than 5 minutes. I would like to try a different carburetor.

I think you must have needle/seat or float issues. I've found those MS carbs to be bulletproof. gm

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