International 444 Bush hog

What is the max size pull type Bush hog my gas 444 will handle? A woods D80 is coming up in an auction soon, would it be able to handle one that big? What ill be cutting is pretty thick grass/weeds.
What is the max size pull type Bush hog my gas 444 will handle? A woods D80 is coming up in an auction soon, would it be able to handle one that big? What ill be cutting is pretty thick grass/weeds.
I would go for a 6 footer, although you could probably run a 7 foot one in all but the heaviest material.
Depends on what you're cutting. With tractors that size you really can't do more than about cover your width with the wheel tread at the narrowest setting if you're talking about heavy brush cutting.

The D80 is an 80" width, twin-rotor mower with a maximum cutting diameter of 1". So, not really meant for heavy brush cutting, more for tall grass and weeds. I think you'll be okay with a 444. The HP range for the mower is 25HP to 75HP, and your 444 is rated at 38HP. On the lower end of mid-range but close to mid-range.
Depends on what you're cutting. With tractors that size you really can't do more than about cover your width with the wheel tread at the narrowest setting if you're talking about heavy brush cutting.

The D80 is an 80" width, twin-rotor mower with a maximum cutting diameter of 1". So, not really meant for heavy brush cutting, more for tall grass and weeds. I think you'll be okay with a 444. The HP range for the mower is 25HP to 75HP, and your 444 is rated at 38HP. On the lower end of mid-range but close to mid-range.
I will be cutting tall grass/weeds but it is thick
What is the max size pull type Bush hog my gas 444 will handle? A woods D80 is coming up in an auction soon, would it be able to handle one that big? What ill be cutting is pretty thick grass/weeds.
If all your cutting is grass and weeds, buy the 80 if the condition and price meet your budget. If it is too much for the tractor, just cut more often.
What is the max size pull type Bush hog my gas 444 will handle? A woods D80 is coming up in an auction soon, would it be able to handle one that big? What ill be cutting is pretty thick grass/weeds.
I run a 6ft Tebben (medium duty unit) with my 444 gas (see stuck posting) and it does fine. 1st gear in 5ft heavy thick grass boggs her down but short (2-3ft) weeds/light grass it hardly grunts at all. i think 7ft would be too much and make the front end a bit light.

Grandpa set the rear wheels out wide for planting/cultivating so the 6ft works nice to cover the tire tracks.

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